Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Ways to Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol drinking is injurious to your physical and mental health. It may ruin your life, family and social relationships, and employment prospects. There are numerous ways to stop drinking alcohol.

First Step

The first step in making an effort to stop drinking may consist of identifying the reasons why you want to stop drinking. While some reasons can be general -applicable to all the drinkers- there may be others that may be specific to you. Make a list of reasons to stop drinking. You may also seek your friend's help to complete the list. Keep this list at a secure and most visible place as you may have to refer to it from time to time to renew your commitment. It would be better to keep the list at more than one location, say, next to your shaving mirror in the bathroom, pasted on your fridge door and also in your purse to increase its visibility

Gradual Reduction of Drinking

If you are chronic and hardened drinker, it may not be possible for you to put a full stop to drinking on the day one. The best course would be to cut down the quantity and keep reducing it progressively. Draw a plan of reducing its intake on periodic basis and fix a date for a final full stop.